Free download Data Exchange Wizard

Data Exchange Wizard

Data Exchange Wizard Loads or export data from/into ANY database
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6 votes
Release date
28 November 2015

Editor's review

Database tools are widely used in enterprises and organizations to maintain records which may belong to any category. With the use of multiple applications for creating database or a database collection which may belong to a number of different formats, you may, at some point of time, feel the need for integrating the whole collection into one database format, especially if you want a centralization of all the database. In such a case, you may require a comprehensive application for unifying whole of the database, which can be easily done with the help of Data Exchange Wizard v.

Data Exchange Wizard v. by DB Software Laboratory is a shareware program for importing/exporting the data from/to the different database tools. The comprehensive program has complete support for a number of popularly used database tools such as DBF, Text File, Access, Excel, SQLite, MySQL, Postgre SQL, OLEdb or any other database compliant to ODBC. This software has a simple interface which eliminates the need for any technical expertise or know-how for dealing in various type of database as it has a simple, intuitive and communicative interface. The program has a unique feature of recognizing the primary key for updating old records and adding new ones which sets it ahead of other programs of its class like BCP, SSIS, Oracle SQL loader and DTS. Apart from this, the program has built-in provisions for building expressions, records of rejected files and error logs. The software can be seamlessly used for truncating a table, loading data and subsequently running and SQL script or a defined procedure.

Data Exchange Wizard v. is a nice application for porting the database and its modifications from one database program to another. This application has a high utility, given the increasing requirements for database transfer and centralization as far as the modern business requirements are concerned. Hence, it gets a stellar rating of four and a half on the scale of five for its simplified, comprehensive and utility oriented functionality.

Publisher's description

Data Exchange Wizard Loads or export data from/into ANY database. Full support for Excel, Access, DBF and Text files,XML, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Interbase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OleDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server Compact or ANY ODBC compliant database. Great performance - Thousands of records per second. Easy to use and learn
Data Exchange Wizard may run calculations during import and may also execute SQL statements before and after import. The unique ability to add new and update old records based on the primary key distinguishes Data Exchange Wizard from many other competitors, such as Oracle SQL loader, BCP, DTS or SSIS. The other benefits of the product include a built-in expression builder, error log, and rejected records file. The tool is typically used to truncate a table, load data into it and then run stored procedure or SQL script.
Many businesses need to centralize data to improve corporate decision-making. But their data may be stored in a variety of formats and in different locations. Data Exchange Wizard addresses this critical business need by providing ETL tool that let you load and consolidate data from disparate sources into single destination.
Data Exchange Wizard
Data Exchange Wizard
Version 5.2.2
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